A&K is a strong brand, building its trust with customers for more than twenty-six years, and today already has seven shops in the Mielec area and a recently opened shop in Radomysl Wielki.
In A&K shops you can buy a range of products signed with our club’s logo, including: t-shirts, mugs, caps, supplements, Stal beer, Stal energy drink, and many other gadgets, for every PGE FKS Stal Mielec fan.
We invite you to shop in the A&K shop chain:
– Mielec, 10 Piaskowa Street
– Mielec, 33 Szafera St
– Mielec, 6 Kazimierza Jagiellończyka Street
– Mielec, 95 Legionów street
– Mielec, 2a Sikorskiego St
– Mielec, Zygmuntowska 2 street
– Mielec, al. Niepodległości 1
– Radomyśl Wielki, 13C Kościuszki St

Sponsorship and Advertising at FKS Stal Mielec S.A.
Damian Gąsiewski
tel. 602 739 362
e-mail: damian.gasiewski@stalmielec.com