We are very pleased to announce that Aqua System Poland becomes the new sponsor of our club. Thank you for your trust and support for FKS Stal Mielec S.A.
Aqua System Poland is a company dealing with water treatment, filtration and distribution for home and business, which serves thousands of customers throughout Poland, from private homes, through educational institutions, hotels, restaurants to offices, car showrooms or manufacturing companies.
The company is a dealer of equipment from only European manufacturers, importing equipment from Italy, Spain, Austria, Sweden, Germany, Estonia and Ukraine, thanks to its 100% own logistics and service base.
The most important benefits of using Aqua System Poland systems are:
Water treatment for the elimination of destructive scale on the basis of two different products:
-traditional treatment, i.e. softeners using salt, which we use from micro buildings to large multi-family blocks or manufacturing companies
Water softeners / iron removers (filtryzycia.pl)
-innovative treatment based on electromagnetic pulsators
Pulse generators (filtryzycia.pl)
Thanks to this technology, the water installation is free of destructive scale, there is no formation of boiler scale which reduces the energy efficiency of the cooker by approximately 20%, we protect heaters in washing machines or dishwashers, we do not exploit bathroom and kitchen fittings, we use approximately 4-50% less detergents and washing agents. Ideal for use in hard water areas, i.e. almost all of Poland!
Water filtration means health and ecology:
-molecular filtration stations (reverse osmosis) are a guarantee of crystal clear mineral water for drinking, cooking, food preparation, feeding coffee machines, ice cubes. Ideal for home, office or catering. Enormous savings, convenience and ecology. No more buying, carrying and generating waste from poor quality bottled water!
Filtration stations (filtryzycia.pl)
Water dispensers mean convenience and savings:
water distribution on the best equipment made by Italian manufacturer Blupura, thanks to which we supply cold water, cold sparkling water, at room temperature and hot water in a fast and convenient way. Distributors with different working capacities, they are able to serve from 15 to 200 people per hour!
Water distributors (filtryzycia.pl)
Aqua System Poland
t. Kościuszki St. 18
25- 310 Kielce
Tel. 502-064-983
Email: dyrektor@aquasystem.pl
Sponsorship and Advertising at FKS Stal Mielec S.A.
Damian Gąsiewski
tel. 602 739 362
e-mail: damian.gasiewski@stalmielec.com