We are very pleased to announce that Bitget is the new sponsor of our club. The contract has been concluded for the 2024/2025 season – thank you for your trust!
Bitget is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange with copy trading services as its key function. Serving more than 25 million users in over 100 countries, the exchange actively helps users improve their trading by providing secure and comprehensive trading solutions.
According to Coingecko, Bitget is currently among the top three cryptocurrency derivatives trading platforms.
Since October 2022, Bitget has partnered with Lionel Messi. Together, they are running the #MakeItCount campaign.
Sponsorship and advertising at FKS Stal Mielec S.A:
Damian Gąsiewski
tel. 602 739 362
e-mail: damian.gasiewski@stalmielec.com