
Cracovia – PGE FKS Stal Mielec [2-2]

on 9 December PGE FKS Stal Mielec played an away match against Cracovia. The meeting ended with a score of 2-2

Cracovia: 13. Sebastian Madejski – 2. Cornel Rapa, 22. Arttu Hoskonen, 15. Kamil Glik, 55. Virgil Ghita, 3. Andreas Skovgaard, 20. Karol Knap, 6. Jani Atanasov, 18. Takuto Oshima, 7. Patryk Makuch, 9. Benjamin Kallman

Reserves: 30. Adam Wilk, 17. Mateusz Bochnak, 21. Kacper Śmiglewski, 36. Kacper Jodłowski, 55. Michal Stachera, 63. Filip Rózga, 72. Bartłomiej Kolec, 73. Patryk Zaucha, 99. Szymon Doba

PGE FKS Stal Mielec: 1. Mateusz Kochalski – 6. Leandro, 21. Mateusz Matras, 18. Piotr Wlazło, 23. Krystian Getinger, 16. Matthew Guillaumier, 19. Michał Trąbka, 27. Alvis Jaunzems, 11. Krzysztof Wołkowicz, 10. Maciej Domański, 17. Ilya Shkurin

Reserves: 13. Konrad Jałocha, 8. Koki Hinokio, 22. Rafa Santos, 42. Kai Meriluoto, 37. Mateusz Stępien, 4. Kamil Pajnowski, 7. Łukasz Gerstenstein, 25. Łukasz Wolsztyński

The first dangerous situation was created by coach Jacek Zieliński’s players. Takuto Oshima found himself in a one-on-one situation with Mateusz Kochalski, but our goalkeeper intervened very well. 5 minutes later, the team of Stal Mielec came very close to taking the lead. Krystian Getinger struck at Madejski’s goal with his right foot, and the ball after his shot hit the post. In the 20th minute of the match, Kamil Glik took an inaccurate head shot towards our goal. In the 26th minute of the match, Michał Trąbka took a shot from outside the penalty area, but the ball after his strike just missed Cracovia’s goal. 4 minutes later, Kamil Glik found himself in our team’s penalty area again, and the ball after his shot hit the crossbar of Mateusz Kochalski’s goal. After the first 45 minutes of the match, the score was 0-0 on the board.

At halftime, neither coach decided to make any changes to their team. Kamil Kieres’ players made a better start to the second half. In the 47th minute of the meeting, Maciej Domański shot on target and the ball, after being defended by Sebastian Madejski, found its way to the feet of Michał Trąbka, who decided to strike from outside the penalty area. However, the ball after his shot hit the crossbar of Cracovia’s goal. In the 68th minute of the match, a dangerous head shot was taken by Arttu Hoskonen, but Mateusz Kochalski managed to catch the ball. Unfortunately, two minutes later, Kallman hit the ball very well and the score was 1-0. In the 72nd minute of the match, coach Kamil Kiereś decided to make a double change in our team. Volkowicz and Jaunzems left the pitch and were replaced by Stępień and Merilutoto. Unfortunately, in the 80th minute of the match the match referee dictated a penalty kick for Cracovia, which Knap took advantage of and the team from Kraków led 2-0. Two minutes later there was another double change in our team and in place of Shkurin and Trąbka, Wolsztynski and Hinokio appeared on the pitch. The contact goal for our team in the 86th minute of the match was scored by Kai Meriluoto after an assist from Matthew Guillaumier. The players of coach Kamil Kieres, however, fought until the very end for a favourable result and just a minute after Meriluoto’s goal, they could have enjoyed an equaliser. The ball in the penalty area was centred by Kai, and the goal for PGE FKS Stali Mielec was scored by its captain – Krystian Getinger. The meeting ended with the score 2-2.

We would like to thank all the white and blue supporters present at today’s match for their cheering and support until the last seconds of the match.