A long-term contract was signed today between FKS Stal Mielec S.A. and the Miejski Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji in Mielec. The document drawn up relates to the lease of space at the Municipal Stadium at 1 Solskiego St. The contract will be valid for a period of 10 years.
– I am very pleased that today, together with the Director, we could put our signatures on such an important document. This agreement provides FKS Stal Mielec S.A. club with the lease of space for the next decade. The home of FKS Stal Mielec is at Solskiego 1 and will remain so for the next 10 years. Thank you, Director, for your trust and cooperation,” said Jacek Klimek, President of the Management Board of FKS Stal Mielec S.A.
– Today’s agreement confirms our very good cooperation with President Jacek Klimek, which has already lasted several years. The way the club is run and its stable situation allow us to conclude an agreement for such a long period. PGE FKS Stal Mielec is a showcase of our city, so I am happy that we can support the blue-and-white club – said Mirosława Gorazd, Director of MOSiR.