
Lech Poznan – PGE FKS Stal Mielec [2:1]

on 23 September, PGE FKS Stal Mielec played its away match against the Lech Poznan team. It was a match within the 9th round of PKO BP Ekstraklasa.

The starting line-up of the team led by coach Kamil Kieres included: Kochalski, Esselink, Matras, Ehmann, Getinger, Wlazło, Trąbka, Gerstenstein, Hinokio, Domański and Shkurin.

On the substitutes’ bench were Jałocha, Jaunzems, Stępień, Guillamier, Wolkowicz, Meriluoto, Leandro, Rafa Santos and Wolsztynski.

The Lech Poznań team featured Mrozek, Czerwiński, Dagerstål, Blažič, Gurgul, Kälström, Murawski, Sousa, Hotić, Marchwiński and Velde from the start of the match.

The matchday squad also included: Bednarek, Pereira, Andersson, Szymczak, Ba Loua, Wilak and Sobiech.

In the first quarter of an hour of the match neither team created a convenient situation to score a goal. In the 16th minute of the match, Koki Hinokio decided to shoot from outside the penalty area, but Bartosz Mrozek managed to knock the ball away after his strike. One minute later, Lech Poznan were forced to make a substitution when Hotić had to leave the pitch injured and was replaced by Andersson. PGE FKS Stala Mielec were the first players to take the lead. Shkurin’s perpendicular pass was used by Maciej Domański, who headed the ball into Lech’s goal with a shot over Mrozek. In the 33rd minute, the coach of the Poznan team decided to make another change in his team. Gurgul left the pitch and was replaced by Szymczak. In the 37th minute, Velde equalised for Lech and 3 minutes later, another goal for Lech Poznan was scored by Marchwinski. After the first half, the score was 2:1 on the board.

At the start of the second half, Kamil Kieres’ players held the ball longer. In the 50th minute of the match, Maciej Domański decided to shoot, but his shot was defended by Bartosz Mrozek. six minutes later, Hinokio struck at Lech’s goal, but was off target. In the 58th minute of the match, the Lech Poznan team attacked, Szymczak fired a shot, but Mateusz Kochalski intervened well. However, as the attacks of the team from Mielec did not bring a change in the result, the coach of PGE FKS Stali Mielec decided to make a triple substitution. Wlazło, Hinokio and Gerstenstein left the pitch, and Stępień, Guillaumier and Jaunzems registered on the pitch. At the same moment, there was also a change for Lech Poznań. Pereira entered the pitch in place of Marchwinski. In the 80th minute, Maciej Domanski once again decided to shoot, but the ball after his strike passed Lech Poznan’s goal. A minute later, the team from Poznań came out with a counter-attack, but Sousa took a missed shot. In the 87th minute Volkowicz decided to shoot, but he too failed to beat Bartosz Mrozek. In added time, Guillamier could still have given us the equaliser, but unfortunately the ball after his strike just missed Lech’s goal. The meeting ended with Lech Poznan winning 2:1.

The next match within the PKO BP Ekstraklasa will be played by the PGE FKS Stali Mielec team on 29 September against Korona Kielce. Tickets for this meeting can be purchased at: and from Monday to Friday at the FKS Stal Mielec Store between 9:00 and 17:00.