
Nearest rival: Miedź Legnica

As early as this coming Monday at 7:00 p.m. at the stadium on 1 Solskiego Street, the team of PGE FKS Stali Mielec will take on the team of Miedzi Legnica. The meeting will take place as part of the 28th PKO BP Ekstraklasa round.

The PKO BP Ekstraklasa debutant played his first match in the spring round on 27 January, and his opponent was Radomiak Radom team. The first goal situation was created by the hosts, however, Henriquez Angelo misfired in the direction of the visitors’ goal. The following minutes of the meeting saw the advantage of the team from Radom. Twice Roberto Alves tried to beat the goalkeeper of Miedzi, but without success and after the first two quarters of an hour the score was 0:0. In the 32nd minute of the match Radomiak team came out with a counter-attack, but Machado’s shot was confidently defended by the goalkeeper of the team from Legnica. Until the end of the first half, the Radomiak Radom team definitely prevailed, but fans of both teams did not see any goals after the first 45 minutes of the match. In the 56th minute of the match, Narsingh Luciano passed the ball perfectly into the visitors’ penalty area, but Obieta Koldo only hit the post. The following minutes of the match brought no change in the result of the match. One minute before the end of the meeting, Machado hit the Miedzi goal, but the goalkeeper from Legnica showed a very good intervention, saving his team from losing the goal. The meeting ended with the score 0:0.

on 1 February, the team of Miedzi Legnica played an overdue match of the 2nd round of PKO BP Ekstraklasa against the current Champion of Poland – Lech Poznań. Also during this meeting, the players from Lower Silesia were the hosts. The first dangerous action of the match was a shot by Michal Skóraś, which Mateusz Abramowicz, however, handled with confidence. In the 16th minute of the match, it was the home team who came out on top, after a very good pass by Dominguez, Luciano Narsingh beat the Lech goalkeeper. 20 minutes later Filip Marchwinski led to the equaliser. The players of Lech Poznan had a few more convenient situations to increase the result, but after the first half of the meeting the score was 1:1. In the second half, the team from Poznan also prevailed and in the 63rd minute of the match Michał Skóraś was fouled in the penalty area and after VAR analysis, the arbiter of the meeting dictated a penalty kick, which was converted into a goal by Mikael Ishak. However, this was not the end of the emotions at the Legnica stadium. In the 76th minute of the match, an excellent pass by Dominguez was used by Masouras, giving the equalising goal of the match. By the end of the match, the score remained unchanged and ended in a 2:2 draw.

on 5 January, the two teams met for the second time. This time, however, the host team was Lech Poznań. The meeting started very well for the Lech Poznań team, as already in the 17th minute Mikael Ishak could enjoy a goal. In the 27th minute of the match, Kamil Drygas could have equalised for Miedzi, but his shot was offside. The first half ended with the score at 1:0. In the second part of the meeting, the team of Lech Poznan also prevailed, in the 57th minute of the match, the ball after Marchwinski’s hit hit hit the crossbar, Ishak was the first to reach it, but after his shot, the ball passed Miedzi Legnica’s goal. Despite 4 changes made by the Legnica coach, the result of the match did not change and the Lech Poznan team enjoyed the victory.

As part of the 20th round of the PKO BP Ekstraklasa, the team of Miedzi Legnica went to a meeting with the team of Warta Poznań. Despite several goal-scoring situations on both sides, the fans did not see any goals in the first part of the match, and the scoreboard read 0-0. The first to rejoice were Miedzi players, when Kamil Drygas headed the ball into Warta’s goal after a free kick. In the 74th minute of the meeting, the equalising goal was scored by Miłosz Szczepański, when the ball after his strike towards the near post surprised the goalkeeper of Miedzi Legnica. The meeting ended with the score 1:1. On 19 February the team of Miedzi Legnica took on the team of Wisła Płock at their own stadium. From the beginning of the match, Wisła held onto the ball a lot and created goal-scoring situations. The players from Płock were the first to take the lead in this meeting, with Marco Kolar scoring the goal in the 22nd minute of the match. When it seemed that the result would not change after the first 45 minutes of the meeting, a mistake was made in the penalty area by Krzysztof Kaminski, who let the ball out of his hands after a pass and then fouled Kamil Drygas. The penalty kick was confidently taken by Ángelo Henríquez and the score was 1:1. In the 61st minute of the match, Matynia centred from a corner kick and Mijuskovic was able to celebrate the goal. Although both teams still had their chances to score, the result was unchanged and Miedzi Legnica could add three points to the league table.

The match within the 22nd PKO BP Ekstraklasa queue was a derby meeting with the Zagłębie Lubin team. Both teams failed to score a goal in the first half of the meeting, despite several goal-scoring situations, and the scoreboard read 0-0. 7 minutes after resuming the game, the Zagłębie team took the lead. The referee dictated a penalty kick, and Kacper Chodyna stepped up to take the eleven-minute penalty. Although his shot was defended by the goalkeeper of Miedzi, the player from Lubin was the first to reach the ball and knock it into the goal of Miedzi Legnica. In the 82nd minute of the match, the result of the match was increased by Jach after a free kick taken by Starzyński. The honourable goal for the team from Legnica in added time was scored by Luciano Narsingh. The meeting ended with Zagłębie Lubin winning 2:1. On 5 March, the relegation team took on Jagiellonia Białystok at their own stadium. The players from Białystok came out on top in the 24th minute of the match after a fantastic strike by Nene. The Jagiellonia team could not enjoy the goal for long, however, as just 5 minutes later Mijuskovic equalised the match. The Montenegrin player beat Jagiellonia’s goalkeeper with a head shot after a corner kick, and the score was 1:1. In the second part of the match, despite situations on both sides, the result did not change and the meeting ended in a draw 1:1, which both teams were not satisfied with.

In the next three meetings, the team of Miedzi Legnica had to accept defeats and lack of points to the league table. The first of these was suffered in an away match against Lechia Gdańsk. Although the score was 0-0 after the first part of the meeting, the match eventually ended with the hosts winning 4-0. In the 25th PKO BP Ekstraklasa round, the team from Legnica took on Piast Gliwice at home and also failed to score points in this meeting, losing the match 0:1. The next match was a meeting of debutants, as Miedzina Legnica played an away match against Korona Kielce. on 1 April, the team from Miedź had to settle for missing out on points to the league table for the third time in a row, as the match ended 1:0 after a goal by Ronaldo Deacon.

As part of the 27th PKO BP Ekstraklasa round, Miedz Legnica took on the Legia Warsaw team at their home stadium. The Legia team were the clear favourites in this meeting, but it was the hosts who took the lead first. With high pressing, the Miedź players forced Nawrocki to pass the ball towards Gladun, but he lost the ball and Dominguez scored for the hosts in the 27th minute of the match. four minutes before the end of the first half of the match, a fantastic strike from a free kick by Josue led to a draw. After the first 45 minutes, the score was 1:1. The hosts started the second half very well, as already 5 minutes after the resumption of the match, Chuca entered the list of scorers, beating the goalkeeper of Legia Warsaw with a head shot. When it seemed that Miedzi team would be able to add a set of points to their account, in the 4th minute of added time Hubert Matynia touched the ball with his hand in his team’s penalty area. After a VAR analysis, the match referee decided to dictate a penalty kick, which Yusue converted into a goal. The meeting ended with a score of 2:2.

Although the team of Miedzi Legnica occupies the last place in the table, their match against Legia Warszawa showed that one cannot underestimate a rival. All white-blue fans are invited to Monday’s meeting at the stadium on ul. Solskiego 1.