
Nearest rival: Jagiellonia Białystok

PGE FKS Stal Mielec will take on Jagiellonia Białystok at the stadium on 1 Solskiego Street on 3 April at 19:00.

How is our nearest rival doing in the spring round? You can find the answer to this question in this article.

Jagiellonia’s team played their first match of the spring round of PKO BP Ekstraklasa against Piast Gliwice, who spent the winter break in the relegation zone, but Jagiellonia only had a two-point lead over the team from Gliwice. This meeting took place on 29 January at 12:30 p.m. The Bialystok players’ coach decided that the starting eleven for the match would start: Alomerović, Matysik, Puerto, Skrzypczak, Nastić, Pospisil, Romanczuk, Kupisz, Imaz, Prikryl and Gual.
On the substitutes’ bench were: Abramovich, Stojinović, Lewicki, Wojciechowski, Wdowik, Łaski, Camara, Bortniczuk and Trubeha.

The first good situation to score a goal Jagiellonia’s players created for themselves already in the second minute of the meeting, when Marc Gual struck at František Plach’s goal, but his shot was confidently defended by Piast’s goalkeeper. In the 28th minute of the match, the Spanish player again tried to enter the scoring list, but the ball after his strike flew over the crossbar of the home team’s goal. Piast created the first situation for themselves in the 36th minute of the match, when, after a pass from Aléxandros Katránis, Grzegorz Tomasiewicz tried to beat the Jagiellonia goalkeeper with a head shot, but Zlatan Alomerović handled the former PGE FKS Stala Mielec player’s strike without any problems. In the 38th minute of the match, there was an enforced change in the Bialystok team – Jesús Imaz suffered an injury and was replaced on the pitch by Wojciech Łaski. One minute before the referee’s whistle to call a timeout, Piast’s players again had a convenient situation to score. From a free kick, Damian Kądzior played the ball perfectly straight to Kamil Wilczek, but the ball hit the post after his head shot. By the break, the score was 0-0.

The score was opened in the 60th minute by Wojciech Łaski, who with a fantastic shot from outside the penalty area beat the Piast goalkeeper.

8 minutes later, the equalising goal was scored by Kamil Wilczek, who headed the ball into Jagiellonia Białystok’s goal after a pass from Michal Chrapek. Thus, the Piast striker was able to enjoy his 6th goal in this season of PKO BP Ekstraklasa. From that moment of the meeting, it was the team from Gliwice that created consecutive goal situations, forcing the goalkeeper of Jagiellonia to several interventions. Piast could have won in stoppage time, but the ball from Kamil Wilczek’s head shot only hit the Jagiellonia goal post and crossbar. Moments later, the arbiter ended the match and it was the 7th meeting in a row without a victory for Jagiellonia Białystok.

At the post-match press conference, Jagiellonia coach Maciej Stolarczyk said that the match against Piast was not the spectacle they wanted to create, but they were aware that the team from Gliwice is a very difficult opponent.

In the 19th round of PKO BP Ekstraklasa, Jagiellonia Białystok’s team faced another away match. Maciej Stolarczyk’s team travelled to Lodz for a match against Widzew. Due to heavy snowfall, this meeting started 30 minutes late. The starting eleven included: Alomerović, Puerto, Skrzypczak, Nastić, Kupicz, Romanczuk, Pospisil, Camara, Gual, Bortniczuk. On the substitutes’ bench were: Abramović, Stojinović, Nene, Bida, Imaz, Sacek, Olszewski, Wdowik, Lewicki.

Already in the second minute of the match, Tomáš Přikryl found himself in a one-on-one situation with the Widzew goalkeeper, but his shot was defended by Henrich Ravas. 3 minutes later, Widzew responded and with a strike from distance, Mato Miloš tried to score a goal. However, the ball missed Jagiellonia’s goal marginally. Another convenient situation to score a goal for Janusz Niedzwiedz’s team had in the 22nd minute of the match, when the ball after a strike of Łukasz Zjawiński hit the crossbar of the team’s goal from Białystok. In the 30th minute of the match, Marc Gual suffered an injury and his place on the pitch was taken by Bartłomiej Wdowik. Before the break, Bartłomiej Pawłowski was fouled in the Jagiellonia penalty area and the match referee Paweł Raczkowski pointed to the 11-metre spot. Juliusz Letniowski stepped up to take the penalty, but the ball hit the crossbar after his very strong strike. The first half of the meeting thus ended 0-0.

The second half of the match had a better start for Maciej Stolarczyk’s players, with several shots on Widzew’s goal, but none of them translated into a goal. In the 78th minute of the match, the Lodz players took the lead, with Dominik Kun scoring the goal after a play by Terpilowski.

From then on, it was the team from Lodz who controlled the course of the match, but in the 90th minute of the match, Nene fed the ball into Widzew’s penalty area, the ball was struck by Bartosz Bida, and it bounced off Widzew’s defender Martin Kreuzriegler and into the hosts’ net. Despite the advantage of Janusz Niedzwiedz’s team, the meeting ended in a 1:1 draw.

At the press conference, coach Maciej Stolarczyk said that he had come to Lodz to win three points, but looking at the circumstances during the match, he respects the one point that his team can add to the league table.

Jagiellonia ‘s team played their first game at their stadium in the spring round of PKO BP Ekstraklasa as part of the 20th round, and their opponent was Pogoń Szczecin. Marc Gual was not in the line-up for this meeting due to injury, and in the starting eleven the match started: Alomerović, Stojinović, Skrzypczak, Puerto, Lewicki, Nene, Romanczuk, Kupisz, Camara, Bortniczuk and Bida. On the substitutes’ bench were Abramowicz, Pazdan, Imaz, Sacek, Olszewski, Pospisil, Wdowik and Twardowski.

The visiting team started the match better and in the 12th minute of the match Kamil Grosicki struck at Jagiellonia’s goal. His shot was defended by Alomorević, but the ball deflected by him fell directly into the legs of Marcel Wedrychowski, and he directed the ball into the net of the hosts. Fortunately for Maciej Stolarczyk’s team, Pogoń were caught offside and the goal was disallowed. The Szczecin team created more goal-scoring opportunities, but these did not change the result. In the 32nd minute of the match, Kamil Grosicki again hit the Jagiellonia goal, but the ball only hit the crossbar. In the first half of the meeting, the team from Białystok did not have a single shot at the rivals’ goal and after 45 minutes of the match the score was 0-0.

Already 4 minutes after the start of the second half, after a shot by Wędrychowski, Jagiellonia’s goalkeeper had to intervene. Sebastian Kowalczyk had another situation to score for the visitors’ team, but the ball after his shot passed the goal of the team from Białystok. A minute later, Tomasz Kupisz took advantage of a centre kick from Bartłomiej Wdowik and beat the Pogoń goalkeeper with his head. From the 58th minute of the match, the scoreboard read 1:0. In the following minutes of the meeting, it was the team from Szczecin that created convenient situations to score a goal, but none of the shots made it into the Jagiellonia’s goal. In the 78th minute of the match, the home team went on the counter-attack, Jakub Lewicki fed the ball into the penalty area and Jesús Imaz scored.

Pogoń, despite still having a few more good situations, failed to score and the meeting ended with a score of 2:0.

– Pogoń created more situations for themselves, created more from the game, but lost the meeting,” said the coach of Jagiellonia Białystok.

on 20 February, at 19:00, Maciej Stolarczyk’s team travelled to Radom for a match as part of the 21st PKO BP Ekstraklasa round. The starting line-up for the match was Alomerović, Stojinović, Skrzypczak, Puerto, Lewicki, Nene, Romanczuk, Kupisz, Imaz, Wdowik and Bida, while on the substitutes’ bench were: Abramovich, Pazdan, Camara, Prikryl, Sacek, Olszewski, Matysik, Bortniczuk and Nguiamba.

The first shot on goal was taken by Radomiak Radom players when Lisandro Semedo struck in the 9th minute of the match. In the 39th minute of the match, the captain of Jagiellonia Białystok tried to beat the hosts’ goalkeeper, but his shot did not cause any problems for Gabriel Kobylak. A minute before the end of the first half of the match, Alomerović showed off a fantastic intervention, first defending Leonardo Rocha’s shot and then David Abramovich’s strike. This left the scoreboard at 0-0 after the first 45 minutes of the match.

In the second half, both teams created several goal-scoring situations, but none of them brought a change in the result of the match. In added time, Radomiak players came out with a counter-attack, but it was stopped by Jagiellonia defenders and moments later the referee of the meeting Jarosław Przybył ended the match.

– The weather and the state of the pitch dictated the way both teams played today,” said Maciej Stolarczyk at the post-match conference.

22. the PKO BP Ekstraklasa round began with a meeting between Raków Częstochowa and Jagiellonia Białystok. Maciej Stolarczyk’s team took on the table leader at their own stadium, and the starting line-up included: Alomerović, Stojinović, Matysik, Puerto, Lewicki, Nene, Romanczuk, Prikryl, Imaz, Camara and Bida. On the substitutes’ bench were Abramović, Pazdan, Nastić, Sacek, Kupisz, Olszewski, Wdowik, Gual and Nguiamba.

The team led by Marek Papszun was a definite favourite of this meeting and it was their players who had the first opportunity to take the lead. Already in the second minute of the meeting, the ball after Vladislav Kocherhin’s shot hit the post of Jagiellonia’s goal. However, a minute later it was the team from Bialystok that could rejoice at the goal scored. On the right side of the pitch was Jesús Imaz, whose shot completely surprised the Raków goalkeeper. In the 25th minute of the match, Vladislav Koczerhin again had a chance to level the score, but the ball he hit was defended by Alomerović. the 38th minute of the match brought a goal for the PKO BP Ekstraklasa leader, with a fantastic shot from outside the penalty area by Jean Carlos Silva.

In the 41st minute of the match, Ivi López showed off an individual action, but the ball after his strike only hit the side netting of the hosts’ goal. In the down time of the first half, Jesús Imaz still tried to enter the scoring list, but his shot was defended by Vladan Kovačević.

From the start of the second half, it was Raków Częstochowa who created more goal-scoring situations. In the 74th minute of the match, once again Alomerović showed off a very good intervention after Svárnas’ head shot, saving his team from losing the goal. The Rakov players did not stop in their attacks, however, and just a minute later Tomáš Petrášek was happy with the goal he scored. Patryk Kun perfectly dribbled into the penalty area and the defender of the team from Częstochowa beat Jagiellonia’s goalkeeper with his head shot. By the end of the match, the table leader did not allow much to the hosts and it was Marek Papszun’s team who pocketed 3 points on their account.

– I cannot hide the fact that I am very disappointed with the result, we wanted to win, but with this type of team you have to be more than careful and concentrated – said the coach of Jagiellonia during the press conference.

on 5 March at 12:30 Jagiellonia Białystok played an away match as part of the 23rd round against the last team in the PKO BP Ekstraklasa table – Miedź Legnica.
The meeting with the relegation team started with Alomerović, Stojinović, Skrzypczak, Puerto, Nastić, Nene, Sacek, Imaz, Wdowik, Prikryl and Gual in the starting line-up. The matchday squad also included: Abramovich, Pazdan, Camara, Bida, Kupisz, Matysik, Bortniczuk, Lewicki and Nguiamba.

The first quarter of an hour of the meeting did not bring much excitement, and the first goal situation in the 23rd minute was created by Maciej Stolarczyk’s footballers. Jesús Imaz struck at the rivals’ goal, but his shot was defended by Stéfanos Kapíno. Two minutes later, Nene struck from outside the penalty area, giving the goalkeeper of Miedź Legnica no chance. From the 25th minute, the score was 0-1.

It took only 4 minutes for Jagiellonia’s players to enjoy the lead in the match. In the 29th minute of the match, Dimityr Wełkowski centred from a corner kick and Nemanja Mijušković scored the goal with a head shot. In the first half of the match, neither team managed to score any more goals and the players went into the break with the score 1:1.

In the 54th minute of the match, Kamil Drygas found himself in a convenient situation, but his shot was defended by Jagiellonia’s goalkeeper. In the 62nd minute, Barłomiej Wdowik tried to score a goal with a left footed strike, but the ball after his shot missed Miedź Legnica’s goal slightly. The hosts had their best chance to take the lead in the 71st minute of the meeting, when Ángelo Henríquez found himself one-on-one with Jagiellonia’s goalkeeper, but Zlatan Alomerović emerged victorious from the duel. The following minutes of the meeting did not change the result and the match ended in a 1:1 draw.

– I think both teams are not satisfied with this result, in our situation we came for 3 points – said Maciej Stolarczyk.

As part of the 24th PKO BP Ekstraklasa round, Jagiellonia team took on Górnik Zabrze team at their own stadium. From the first minute in the team from Białystok we could see the following players: Abramovich, Stojinović, Skrzypczak, Pazdan, Lewicki, Romanczuk, Nene, Sacek, Wdowik, Imaz and Gual. On the substitutes’ bench sat: Żynel, Nastić, Bida, Prikryl, Kupisz, Olszewski, Matysik, Bortniczuk and Nguiamba.

As early as in the 4th minute of the match, Nene decided to take a shot, but the ball went past Górnik Zabrze’s goal. In response, in the 8th minute, the ball was struck towards Slawomir Abramowicz’s goal by Rafal Janicki, but off target. In the 24th minute of the match, Lukas Podolski showed off with a fantastic strike from outside the penalty area, giving Jagiellonia’s goalkeeper no chance. four minutes later, an even more impressive goal for the team from Białystok was scored by Nene.

In the added time of the first half, Taras Romanczuk was fouled in the penalty area of Górnik Zabrze and after a VAR analysis, the referee of the match- Tomasz Kwiatkowski decided to dictate a penalty kick. Marc Gual approached the ball and, although his shot was defended by Daniel Bielica, Gual managed to run to the rebounded ball and direct it into the Górnik net. After the first half, the score was 2:1.

In the second half, the Górnik Zabrze team wanted to make up for the loss as quickly as possible and in the 54th minute Dani Pacheco struck at Abramowicz’s goal, but the 19-year-old Jagiellonia goalkeeper saved his shot. In the 65th minute Jakub Lewicki was looking for his chance to score, but the ball after his strike was minimally past Daniel Bielica’s goal. In the 80th minute, a very good action was created by Górnik Zabrze’s players, but at the last moment the ball passed to Szymon Włodarczyk was knocked out by Michał Pazdan. In the down time of the game, Lukas Podolski still tried to score the equalising goal, but hit it out of target. 15 seconds before the end of the match, Rafal Janicki could still score, but his shot was defended, albeit with problems, by Jagiellonia’s goalkeeper. The match thus ended with a score of 2:1.

– We saw that we have to win this meeting in order to have at least a better balance of this two-match series with Górnik, because in the end it will be very important – said during the press conference the coach of Jagiellonia Białystok.

on 18 March, at 15:00, the Jagiellonia Białystok team took on the Zagłębie Lubin team at their own stadium as part of the 25th PKO BP Ekstraklasa round. Maciej Stolarczyk decided that the match in the starting line-up will start: Alomerović, Stojinović, Skrzypczak, Pazdan, Lewicki, Romanczuk, Nene, Sacek, Olszewski, Imaz and Gual. On the substitutes’ bench are Abramović, Puerto, Matysik, Nguiamba, Kupisz, Prikryl, Bida, Wdowik and Bortniczuk.

The result of the match was opened as early as in the 29th second of the meeting by the team of coach Waldemar Fornalik, with Saša Živec entering the scoring list.

In the 19th minute of the match, a great pass from Jesús Imaz was missed by Jakub Lewicki and the score remained 0-1. In the 33rd minute of the match, Michal Sacek tried to beat Zagłębie’s goalkeeper with a shot from outside the penalty area, but his strike was easily handled by Sokrátis Dioúdis. 15 seconds before the end of the first half of the match, Tomasz Pieńko was knocked over in the Jagiellonia penalty area and the match referee Bartosz Frankowski dictated a penalty kick. However, after a VAR analysis, the referee cancelled his decision. The first part of the match ended with the score 0-1.

In the 49th minute of the match, Taras Romanczuk was fouled in the penalty area of the Białystok team. Jesús Imaz stepped up to take the penalty kick, but his shot was defended by Sokrátis Dioúdis. However, the Zagłębie Lubin goalkeeper came out too early in front of the goal line and the penalty kick was repeated. For the second time, Dioúdis defended Imaz’s strike, but this time Marc Gual was the first to reach the ball and headed the ball into Zagłębie’s goal. In the 72nd minute of the match, a pass from a corner kick was taken advantage of by Michal Pazdan, who beat the goalkeeper of the team from Lubin with a left-footed shot from close range. However, this was not the end of emotions in this meeting. Just 3 minutes later, Kacper Chodyna scored the equalising goal. Both teams still had their opportunities to score the winning goal, but ultimately the match ended with the score 2:2.

– Although we had an optical advantage, we were not able to win this match – said Maciej Stolarczyk.

Ahead of our team already on 3 April is a very important meeting. Our defenders will have to watch out especially for Imaz and Guala, and our offensive players will have to find a way to score a goal defended by Almerović.

Tickets for this meeting can be purchased in the FKS Stal Mielec shop at 1 Solskiego Street and on the website:

Tekst: Mateusz Prokopiak