
Ruch Chorzów – PGE FKS Stal Mielec [1:1]

on 1 September at 20:30 PGE FKS Stal Mielec played its away match against Ruch Chorzów. The meeting as part of the 7th round ended in a 1:1 draw.

Coach Kamil Kiereś decided that the match in the starting line-up will start: Kochalski, Leandro, Matras, Esselink, Getinger, Trąbka, Wlazło, Gerstenstein, Hinokio, Domański and Shkurin.

The matchday squad also included: Jałocha, Jaunzems, Stępień, Guillaumier, Wolkowicz, Meriluoto, Rozwadowski, Rafa Santos and Wolsztyńsk

The starting eleven of Ruch Chorzów included: Buchalik, Szur, Wójtowicz, Swędrowski, Letniowski, Szymański, Starzyński, Baranowski, Michalik, Bartolewski and Szczepan.

On the substitutes’ bench were: Bielecki, Kasolik, Sikora, Foszmańczyk, Sedlak, Steczyk, Feliks, Szywacz and Skwierczyński.

The first offensive action of the PGE FKS Stali Mielec players took place as early as in the 2nd minute of the match. Koki Hinokio decided to shoot, but his strike proved to be off target. In the 4th minute, Shkurin got past the goalkeeper, but his shot turned out to be too weak and a Ruch Chorzów player managed to intercept the ball. In the 18th minute, a corner kick for the hosts was taken by Starzyński and the ball after his pass was struck by Szczepan and beat Mateusz Kochalski. The scoreboard read 1:0. In the 41st minute, Hiniokio hit the Chorzów team’s goal, but the ball after his shot hit the crossbar. In the added time of the first half, Ilya Shkurin scored the equalising goal for the PGE FKS Stali Mielec team.

In the 59th minute of the meeting, Ruch Chorzów team came out with a dangerous counter-attack, fortunately, the Chorzów player’s shot was blocked by Bert Esselink. ten minutes later it was Shkurin who found himself in a convenient opportunity to score another goal, but at the last moment his attack was blocked by the hosts’ defenders. In the 80th minute of the match, Mateusz Kochalski showed off a fantastic intervention, defending the shot of a Ruch Chorzów player coming out with him one-on-one. The match ended in a 1-1 draw.