Close and Ekstraklasa SA continue the #EkstraPomoc project and Ekstraklasa SA are once again joining forces for the EkstraPom pomoc campaign for the 2023/2024 season!

As in previous editions, the aim of the action is to support people in a serious health situation who are the charges of the Siepomaga Foundation. Clubs have repeatedly involved their fans in helping, and this time will be no different!

In this year’s installment of EkstraPomoc 2023/2024, Ekstraklasa fans will find out every fortnight:

  • which club is fighting for the health and support of the Mentee selected by the team,
  • how you can support the Mentee selected by the club,
  • what additional attractions await the good and generous donors who join in,
  • whether the green collection bar has been filled to 100%!

What has changed? Unlike last season, in the current competition, each club will have a dedicated 14 days during which they will engage players and supporters to support the collection of their Benefactor as effectively as possible. After two weeks, the ‘baton’ of support will be taken over by another team with a new Underdog.

In addition, this year both the clubs and the Ekstraklasa have prepared plenty of attractions for their fans. Numerous competitions and surprises are planned, all to help and involve as many fans, business partners or sponsors as possible in supporting those in need!

Information on the development of the action Ekstraklasa fans will be able to follow on official media channels, both of the clubs,, Ekstraklasa and on the dedicated

Agnieszka Nowik, vice-president of the Siepomaga Foundation, does not hide her joy at the continuation of the cooperation. – We are very happy that once again with the football community we will be playing to one goal. The goal of helping. Sport is about fighting together for the highest goals. Sport is a team. These qualities characterise every sick person who has the most important match of their life to play, fighting for a quick recovery.

Marcin Mikucki, Director of Communication, Marketing and Sales at Ekstraklasa, is of a similar opinion: – I am convinced that once again, together with the Foundation, we will help our fans who need this help. The football environment has a significant impact on shaping social attitudes, which is why it is so important for us that the #EkstraPomPom project will continue in the ongoing season. We are very keen to shape fans’ attitudes to help and get involved in charitable actions.

The first joint activities in the current season will be launched with the start of the 8th round. The team that will open the project will be Jagiellonia Białystok. Each collection will be properly promoted by the clubs, Ekstraklasa and the Siepomaga portal. Tools such as electronic piggy banks or the club’s social media will make it possible to reach the largest possible group of Donors. Specially prepared and personalised graphics will also be displayed on stadium wall screens.

Each collection in a given round will be updated on an ongoing basis and described in detail by together with Ekstraklasa. Details of each campaign can be found at:, on the clubs’ and Ekstraklasa’s websites.

Together Great We Have Power.