We are delighted to announce that we welcome Solar Wójcik as one of our sponsors. Thank you for playing #WITH US! The agreement has been signed for one year.
Solar Wójcik is a company which has been in business for almost 15 years. It performs, among others, assemblies of photovoltaic installations, solar collectors, air conditioning, heat pumps and boilers and central heating installations and thanks to its experience it provides the highest quality of services.
The Solar Wójcik company also deals with comprehensive assembly and carries out servicing and inspections of equipment.
Renewable sources of energy enjoy unflagging popularity, which is why Solar Wójcik provides the documentation necessary for assemblies and professional assistance in obtaining subsidies (e.g. “Mój Prąd” and “Czyste Powietrze”).
Office: ul. Przemysłowa 2/11
39-300 Mielec
Contact: 663-996-512 883-996-512
solarwojcik@onet.pl www.solarwojcik.pl
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SolarWojcikFotowoltaikaKolektoryKotly
Sponsorship and Advertising at FKS Stal Mielec S.A.
Damian Gąsiewski
tel. 602 739 362
e-mail: damian.gasiewski@stalmielec.com