
Wisła Płock – PGE FKS Stal Mielec [0:0]

on 7 May at 12:30, the PGE FKS Stal Mielec team started the match against the Wisła Płock team within the 31st PKO BP Ekstraklasa round.

Coach Kamil Kiereś decided that the match in the starting line-up will start: Mrozek, Flis, Matras, Kruk, Getinger, Wlazło, Vallejo, Mak, Domański and Ciepiela.
On the substitutes’ bench were: Kochalski, Hinokio, Lebedyński, Sappinen, Wolski, Kasperkiewicz, Gerbowski, Leanadro and Żyra.

Wisła Płock coach Pavol Stano selected the following players: Kamiński, Kapuadi, Furman, Kocyła, Wolski, Szwoch, Sekulski, Lesniak, Rzeźniczak, Tomasik and Pawlak.
The matchday squad also included: Gradecki, Hasek, Lewandowski, Śpiączka, Sulek, Drapiński, Kolar, Kvocera and Szymański.

The first minutes of the match did not bring a clear situation for either team to score a goal, but already in the first minute of the match a yellow card was given to a Wisła Płock player – Rafał Wolski. The home team had the first chance to take the lead when Mateusz Szwoch scored on a counter-attack, but after a VAR analysis the goal was cancelled. The Wisła player was in a burned position in this situation. The first shot on Kaminski’s goal was taken by the team of Stal in the 15th minute, when Krystian Getinger decided to hit the ball, but it did not trouble the goalkeeper from Plock. In the following minutes, the Home team prevailed, forcing Bartosz Mrozek to intervene several times. In the 27th minute, PGE FKS Stal Mielec had their chance – Maciej Domański crossed from a corner kick and Mateusz Mak hit the ball towards the Wisła goal. Unfortunately, it bounced off one of the Stal players and left the turf. 5 minutes later, Lasniak struck at Bartosz Mrozek’s goal, but our goalkeeper was able to cope with his shot. The next minutes of the meeting did not bring any change in the result and after the first 45 minutes the score was 0:0 on the board.

In the first 10 minutes of the second half, both teams created goal-scoring situations, but none of them managed to go into the lead in this match. The first to make a change in the line-up was decided by the coach of PGE FKS Stal Mielec – Kamil Kiereś. Ciepiela left the pitch and was replaced by Sappinen. In the 65th minute of the match, Rauno was centred into the penalty area, but Mateusz Mak slipped and mis-hit the ball. Just a minute later, Furman struck at the Steel goal, but a very good intervention was shown by Mrozek. In the 73rd minute of the match, there was another change in the PGE FKS Stal Mielec team and in place of Mak, Hinokio appeared. Very close to scoring a goal a quarter of an hour before the end of the meeting was Marcin Flis, who minimally missed hitting the ball with his head, after a transfer from a corner kick by Maciej Domański. Wisła Płock’s coach also decided to make changes to his team. Sekulski and Kucyła left the pitch and were replaced by: Śpiączka and Lewandowski. In the 80th minute of the match, Piotr Wlazło hit the ball on the goal of Wisła Płock, but it was an inaccurate shot. The final minutes of the match within the 31st PKO BP Ekstraklasa queue did not bring any change to the result and the match ended in a 0:0 draw.