
Zagłębie Lubin – Stal Mielec [2-0]

On 19 May, at 18:00, the match between Zagłębie Lubin and PGE FKS Stal Mielec began as part of the 33rd PKO BP Ekstraklasa round. Before today’s meeting, the team from Lubin occupied 11th place in the league table with one point advantage over our team.

PGE FKS Stal Mielec coach Kamil Kiereś decided that the meeting will start from the first minute: Mrozek, Flis, Matras, Kruk, Getinger, Wlazło, Gerbowski, Hiszpański, Domański, Mak and in position no. 9 Ciepiela.
The matchday squad also included: Kochalski, Vallejo, Lebedyński, Sappinen, Wolski, Kasperkiewicz, Hinokio, Leandro and Żyra.

Waldemar Fornalik- coach of Zagłębie Lubin decided on the following starting eleven: Dioudis, Kopacz, Ławniczak, Gaprindashvili, Grzybek, Starzyński, Poletanović, Chodyna, Kłudka, Kurminowski and Łakomy.
On the substitutes’ bench were Bieszczad, Jach, Makowiski, Zivec, Wozniak, Dolezal, Adamski, Pienko and Bohar.

The first dangerous action of the game was led out by the players of PGE FKS Stala Mielec, when already in the 3rd minute of the meeting Fabian Hiszpański fed into the penalty area, and the ball, after Mateusz Matras’s head strike, minimally missed Zagłębie’s goal. Two minutes later it was the players from Lubin who had their chance to score, but a pass from a corner kick was not used by a Zagłębie striker. In the 7th minute of the match, Łukasz Łakomy struck at Bartosz Mrozek’s goal, but his strike was dealt with by the Stala goalkeeper. In the following minutes of the match, both teams created opportunities to take the lead, but none of them translated into goals. After the first quarter of an hour, the scoreboard read 0-0. In the 23rd minute of the meeting, Łakomy decided to take a shot from distance, but the shot was off target. three minutes later, Chodyna decided to take a shot, but Bartosz Mrozek intervened very well and managed to knock the ball out in front of him for a corner kick. In the 33rd minute, it was the team of Zagłębie Lubin that went into the lead, with Gaprindashvili on the scoring list. In the 41st minute of the meeting, Bartosz Mrozek made another fantastic parade, saving the team of Stala from losing the second goal. In the added time of the first half, Fabian Hiszpański struck at Zagłębie Lubin’s goal, but the hosts’ goalkeeper coped with his shot. Then Waldemar Formanik’s players came out with a counter-attack and Kurminowski scored the goal. After the first half of the match, the score was 2:0 on the board.

The second half of the match both teams started without a change in the line-up. In the 50th minute of the match a yellow card by the match referee punished Ciepiela. In the 54th minute of the match, Łakomy once again decided to shoot, but his shot was easily handled by Bartosz Mrozek. Two minutes later, Fabian Spaniard had a very good chance to score, who shot at Zagłębie’s goal after Krystian Getinger’s pass, but the ball after his strike was minimally past Dioudis’ goal. In the 60th minute of the match, coach Kamil Kieres decided to make the first change. Mateusz Mak left the pitch and was replaced by Koki Hinokio. 5 minutes later, the hosts’ coach Waldemar Fornalik also made a change, with Tomasz Pieńko appearing on the pitch in place of Filip Starzyński. In the 70th minute of the match, Koki Hinokio intercepted the ball in the penalty area, but failed to fire a shot on goal. Moments later, Hinokio was once again on the ball, this time he managed to take a shot, but it was handled by the Lubin goalkeeper. In the 74th minute of the match, Kamil Kiereś made a triple team change, with Getinger, Spaniard and Wlazło leaving the pitch and being replaced by Wolski, Żyra and Leandro. six minutes later, PGE FKS Stali Mielec’s coach decided on yet another change, with Mikołaj Lebedyński checking in on the pitch in place of Fryderyk Gerbowski. In the 82nd minute of the match a fantastic double intervention was shown off by Bartosz Mrozek, saving our team from losing the third goal. In the 89th minute of the match, Kamil Kruk received a yellow card for a foul on a Zagłębie player. The following minutes brought no change in the result and the match ended with Zagłębie Lubin winning 2:0.