
Widzew Łódź – PGE FKS Stal Mielec [1-0]

on 7 October, PGE FKS Stali Mielec played an away match against Widzew Lodz as part of the 11th round of PKO BP Ekstraklasa.

Coach Kamil Kiereś decided that the starting eleven for the match would start: Kochalski, Esselink, Matras, Ehman, Getinger, Trąbka, Guillaumier, Stępień, Hinokio, Domański and Shkurin.

The matchday squad also included: Jałocha, Jauzems, Gerstenstein, Rozwadowski, Wolkowicz, Meriluoto, Leandro, Rafa Santos and Wolsztynski.

Widzew coach Daniel Mysliwiec selected the following eleven: Ravas, Żyro, Milos, Tkacz, Ciganiks, Ibiza, Pawłowski, Kun, Hanusek, Kerk and Rondić

The Lodz team for the match against PGE FKS Stalą Mielec also included Krzywiański, Da Silva, Shehu, Terpiłowski, Zieliński, Klimek, Przybułek, Dawid and Stępiński.

In the first 15 minutes of the match, both teams failed to fire a shot at the opponent’s goal. In the 20th minute of the match, a shot was taken by Ciganiks, but the ball went past Mateusz Kochalski’s goal. 7 minutes later, Maciej Domanski found himself in a very good situation, whose shot caused trouble for Widzew’s goalkeeper, but eventually Ravas managed to catch the ball. In the 34th minute, Rondić decided to shoot, but the ball after his shot hit the post. After the first 45 minutes of the match, the score was 0:0 on the board.

At halftime, coach Kamil Kiereś decided not to make any changes to his team. One change was made by coach Daniem Myśliwiec. Kerk no longer appeared on the pitch, and his place was taken by Shehu. In the 53rd minute of the match, Pawlowski took a shot at Kochalski’s goal, but Kochalski was able to deal with his strike. A minute later, a powerful shot was taken by Krystian Getinger, but Widzew’s goalkeeper managed to knock the ball out for a corner kick. In the 70th minute of the match Koki Hinokio looked for his chance, but the ball after his strike passed the goal of the team from Lodz. In the 72nd minute of the match there was a double change in the team of PGE FKS Stali Mielec, Stępień and Shkurin left the pitch, and in their place Gerstenstein and Meriluoto registered on the turf. A minute later, a very good shot was taken by Ciganiks. The ball after his strike found its way into Mateusz Kochalski’s net. In the 80th minute of the match there was another change in our team. In place of Getinger, Volkowicz entered. 4 minutes later, coach Kamil Kieres made another change in our team. Wolsztynski and Rafa Santos appeared on the pitch in place of Hinokio and Guillaumier. In the 85th minute of the match, Gerstenstein struck at Widzew’s goal, but it was an off target shot. The meeting ended with a score of 1:0.